This easy (and I mean easy) Flourless Chocolate Torte recipe (or flourless chocolate cake if you prefer—the two are the same) is silky-smooth, sinfully chocolaty, and can be easily adapted to different tastes, toppings, and flavors. If you’re unsure of your ability to make an impressive dessert, are looking for a dessert you can make ahead for a party (and even freeze!), or if chocolate is the love language of your soul (like those who love Chocolate Fondue), this easy chocolate torte recipe is sure to be a devoted companion of yours. When people talk about a flourless chocolate cake, typically what they mean is a flourless chocolate torte like this one. Torte is a bit more precise, since tortes are more dense and rich and typically do not contain flour (as in this recipe). Cake. Torte. Whatever you want to call this recipe, it is a chocolate masterpiece! Because flourless chocolate torte is so dangerously easy to make (we are talking one bowl and less than 15 minutes of prep here, friends!), it’s one of my go-to’s (along with Brownie Pie) for dinner parties or potlucks when I need a fast dessert that’s guaranteed to please. I’ve tried a few different recipes over the years, but today’s is unquestionably the best flourless chocolate cake I’ve ever baked. This recipe is thicker and richer than any other chocolate torte cake you’ll try, and it has a subtle almond flavor that makes it truly special. The recipe belongs to my friend Kenzie, who served it at an engagement party we were hosting for one of our girlfriends last year. When I asked her more about it, Kenzie told me (in her devastatingly charming Mississippi accent, no less), “You know how everyone needs a little dessert in their back pocket that you can whip up, take anywhere, and will always be a hit? This is mine!” Up until the moment this flourless chocolate cake entered my life, I would have told you my go-to, back-pocket dessert was this Chocolate Ganache Tart. Although I do still love that recipe, today’s chocolate torte cake has some serious advantages. First and foremost: this might be the easiest from-scratch dessert I’ve ever baked. The ingredients are stirred together in a single bowl, it’s flexible (as Kenzie stated, “You can add whatever you want! I usually do rum.”), and since flourless chocolate torte is a gluten free dessert, it’s a good recipe to bring to gatherings where you aren’t sure of the guests’ dietary restrictions. Thus far, I’ve brought Kenzie’s flourless chocolate torte to a four-person dinner party, where everyone had far too large of slices (or so we told ourselves when we were reaching for another) and what remained leftover was quickly spoken for and sent home on paper plates. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve made this flourless chocolate dessert since Kenzie shared the recipe with me. Sometimes, I cut it into very small, very innocent-looking squares, arrange them on a cake plate, then observe quietly as every bite is devoured. This set up works especially well for larger gatherings where guests are moving about, and any situation where polite company is likely to pretend that they are only having “just one small piece.” One pieces, seven pieces. I won’t tell if you won’t! This flourless chocolate torte tastes even better on the second day and is freezer friendly. If you want to prep it in advance for a party, it’s an ideal make-ahead dessert. Need to freeze leftovers for later (a.k.a. hide them from yourself?). This recipe has you covered there too. This recipe is splendid on its own and needs little more than a light dusting of powdered sugar to shine. If you want to make it extra special, here are some ideas:Flourless Chocolate Torte—The Go-To Dessert Recipe
How to Serve Flourless Chocolate Torte